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The formatting of the King_Air.dat input file is as follows:

Calibration Coefficient Variable
+0.21 Roll Offset
+0.00 Yaw Offset
+0.40 d_Pitch_P
+0.30 d_Yaw_P
-0.25 d_Roll_Q
+0.15 d_Roll_R
+1.85 d_Pitch_R
+0.00 d_Pitch_A1
+0.00 d_Yaw_A1
+0.00 d_Roll_A2
+0.00 d_Yaw_A2
+0.00 d_Roll_A3
+0.00 d_Pitch_A3
+6.613 Baseline Length(m)
+5.918 ADP Offset(m)
+2.63 Magnetic Declination (degrees)
40 Output Freq (# cycles based on 40 Hz) [40 = 1 Hz Output]
+0.1315 Cp_0
-0.04362 Cp_alpha
+0.04626 Cp_beta
+1.447 B_0
+2.085 B_alpha
+11.571 B_beta
+0.525 A_0
+7.569 A_alpha
-1.347 A_beta
+0.42 Dynamic Heating Coefficient
+0.0 Mag. X_Offset(uTesla)
+0.0 Mag. Y_Offset(uTesla)
+0.0 Mag. Z_Offset(uTesla)

Notes on Variables

  • Baseline Length - the distance between the GPS antennas (expressed in meters)
  • ADP Offset - the lateral separation of the air-data probe from the centerline of the aircraft, + distance (m) to starboard, - distance (m) to port
atmos/citation/instruments/aimms/king_air.dat.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by