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  • DashWare version 1.7.4
  • Located on some Windows computers in Clifford Hall, Room 422

Processing Videos from the Citation

ContourGPS Camera

  • The camera breaks videos into segments of approximately 3 GB and labels them with “Vid#” with each segment (# corresponds to the segment number of that video)
  • Open DashWare, click Cancel if a welcoming message appears, and start a new project in File > New Project…
  • To merge the video segments together, go to File > Merge Videos and click the red plus to start importing videos
    • Highlight all the videos you want merged together and click Open
    • In the Merged Output File box on the bottom of the window, make sure the path shown is where you want the merged video to be stored (if not, click Browse and navigate to the path where you want the merged video to be stored)
    • Click Merge Videos and the merging process will begin. The process can take up to 20 minutes.
  • After merging is complete, go to Project > Add Video File to Project, and find the merged video to import it into the project
  • Go to Project > Add Data Logger File to Project to import the Applanix data into the project
    • In that flight day's PostProcessing directory, find the *.dashware file. This is the Applanix data (time, latitude, longnitude, GPS altitude, and GPS speed) reformatted into DashWare's data format for use in the videos
  • To be continued…
atmos/software/dashware/home.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 by