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*Flight 1 - SkyFora sonde was attached to a minisonde for camparison, signal with SkyFora sonde was lost shortly into the flight (about 5 minutes after launch). Due to the cap and a lack of buoyancy, the package had trouble ascending and was cut down and recovered. Antenna issue is assumed to be the reason for the loss of signal.
*Flight 2 - SkyFora sonde was attached to a larger balloon package that included a minisonde and a raspberry pi. SkyFora sonde (just as in the last flight) disconnected after about 5 minutes after flight. Again, a problem with the antenna setup is assumed to be the reason. *Data for all flights is located on aircraft, path /nas/Ballooning/GrandForks/2022/Balloon/Dual25g/FlightData/20220722_171944/Skyfora_Data

atmos/launches/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/16 19:13 by