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  • Description: Aircraft-Integrated Meteorological Measurement System
  • Manufacturer: Aventech Research Inc. (Manufacturer Product Page)


Saving to USB stick on I/O Module

Connect a computer to COM1 of the Data IO module and run a serial terminal program configured to 115200,N,8,1, and once you see the media has been mounted, type “o” from the keyboard to open the file, “c” to close.

Files are opened and closed during the flight based on threshold speed on take-off and threshold speed on landing.

Location & Format

RAW Data

  • Data Location:
  • Data Format: <Base#>.a<##> or <Base#>.r<##>
    • .a is an ASCII File
    • .r is a Binary File
      • Flight data is broken up into pieces
        (Example: 03200748.a00 03200748.a01)
  • Combined Data Format: <Base#>.aim or <Base#>.raw
    • aim is an ASCII File
    • raw is a Binary File

Processed Data

  • Data Location:
  • Data Format: <file>.out
  • Link to .out listing and info: Output Files



  • Executables used in DOS:
    • asmbl.exe - combines the smaller files into one large file
    • canextr.exe - check raw data files for errors
    • ekf500_1hz_ssII_fwing.exe - creates output files
  • To Process data using above:
    1. Open aimms folder on desktop
    2. Change into the following directory: aimms/und/AIMMS_Data
      Note: cd is change directory just like your linux commands, however, to ls in DOS the command is dir
    3. Change into desired data directory, if desired data is not there see the Moving Data for Processing section below.
    4. Check that the King_Air.DAT file is in this directory, if not follow the steps in the Moving Data for Processing section below.
    5. Run asmbl.exe by enter the following in DOS command line:
      asmbl ASCII_or_RAW_DATA_FILE_PREFIX Integer
      • Note Integer is dependent on data type:
        0 for ASCII files
        1 for RAW files
    6. Run canextr.exe by entering following in DOS command line to check for errors: canextr RAW_DATA_FILE
    7. Run ekf500_1hz_ssII_fwing.ext entering the following in DOS command line: ekf500_1hz_ssII_fwing King_Air.DAT RAW_Data_File
    8. Copy output files (<file>.out) to proper directory on the nas drive.
      • Directory Path Format:
        /nas/ral/SaudiArabia/Spring09/Aircraft/KingAir_N825ST/FlightData/<FlightDate>/AIMMSData/<Base# of raw data>/


  • Convert AIMMS to NASA data format:
    1. Type following into command line:
      convert_aimmstonasa file=inputfile
      Example: convert_aimmstonasa file=03281146.aim
    2. Move <Base#>.serial.aimms.raw in the AIMMSPost Directory
      • Directory Path Format:

Moving Data for Processing

  1. Open WinSCP on the Desktop
  2. Enter in your Host Name, Username, and Password
  3. Click Login
  4. Your files on the write and the computers is on the left.
  5. Copy files as needed.

AIMMS Calibration Constants July 2012

Antenna Baseline Length +7.880 m
ADP Offset -5.486 m
Magnetic Delination -0.48

Cross-Axis Alignment Errors

d_Roll d_Pitch d_Yaw
Roll Gyro (P) +1.05 -0.70
Pitch Gyro (Q) -0.07 -0.75
Yaw Gyro (R) +0.22 +1.90
X Accel. (A1) +0.00 +0.00
Y Accel. (A2) +0.00 +0.00
Z Accel. (A3) +0.00 +0.00

ADP Roll Offset +1.30
ADP Yaw Offset -1.40

Air Data Calibration Parameters

Cp_0 +0.06939
Cp_alpha -0.07840
Cp_beta +0.06621
B_0 -3.511
B_beta +13.787
A_0 -2.667
A_alpha +9.792
A_beta -2.102

Magnetic Calibration Coefficient

Mag. X_off +0.18
Mag. Y_off -0.44
Mag. Z_off -0.13
atmos/citation/instruments/aimms.1343406504.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)