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Clifford Hall 422 (CH422) is primary usage for undergraduate student research. Below is a list of CH422 computers.

Below is a map of CH422 with the locations of the different computers. Note the door in the bottom left corner for orientation.
The names of computers and their operating systems are found below the map.

M110670 M53868 M141560 M100695
M110590 Nuclei Wedges Derecho LaptopStation
Aitken Haboob Aurora Mammatus Sleet
Door Rayleigh SoloII

Name OS
Aitken RH5
Aurora RH7
Derecho RH6
Haboob RH7
Laptop N/A
M100695 Windows 7
M110590 Windows 7
M110670 Windows 7
M141560 Windows 7
M53868 Windows 7
Mammatus RH7
Nuclei RH6
Rayleigh RH6
Sleet RH6
SoloII RH5
Wedges RH6

atmos/ch422/home.1465318812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)