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Setting up a new TIMM

In order to setup an new TIMM you will need a raspberry pi, A camera (can be usb or pi cam the instructions differ based on the camera), anemometer, and temperature/humidity sensor. This guide will walk you through the setup process.

1. The first step when setting up a new raspberrry pi can be found at the link below

2. Next you will need to setup the camera the next steps will be dependent on the camera you will be using. Below are the two options either the Pi Camera that plugs directly into the board or the USB camera.

3.1 Use this section if you are using the official pi camera that plugs directly into the board

3.2 USB Camera Setup

4. Live IP Video Stream setup

  • Open Anydesk and open a new command line.
  • Verify USB WebCam is connected and listed using “lsusb” command.
  • Acquire the RasPi's IP address using the command “ifconfig” ( for TIMMS SN00200)

Accessing live IP video stream

5. Setting up the camera to take a picture automatically and transfer the images temporarily to aws then to calgary

atmos/tripod/setup.1713474791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/18 21:13 by benolson