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The Department of Atmospheric Science has a 25 seat IDL licence that has floating licenses being served from Per the standard installation instructions, all Linux computer should have IDL install during their initial configuration. If you need to install IDL instructions are given below, in additional, there is an Ez HTML page where you can download the install binaries and get further instructions.

Linux IDL Check On Licenses

/usr/local/exelis/idl/bin/lmstat -a

Linux IDL License Setup

To setup a Linux system to run IDL you should modify the /etc/profile file to set the environmental variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to point to the IDL license server ( (Setting this in .cshrc or .tcshrc for an individual user also works.) The installation of IDL should be tested by typing idl at a shell prompt and seeing that a license is obtain. In addition, idlde should be tested to see that it starts the IDL development environment. IDL is used as the language for CPLOT Graphical Analysis Program.

  • Open a command line terminal window.
  • Become the system administration (root), type 'su' enter password.
  • Open the /etc/profile file, i.e. type 'gvim /etc/profile'
  • Before the line that starts with 'export' add the following line

  • Add LM_LICENSE_FILE to the line starting with export, for example


  • Close and save the file.
  • Stop being root, return to normal user by typing, 'exit'
  • Now you need the change to take effect. You need to either type 'source /etc/profile' in the terminal where you want to run IDL or reboot the computer.
  • Should be able to type 'idl' and get a license.
  • If not, check that the LM_LICENSE_FILE is define by typing 'echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE'

Windows IDL License Setup

To setup a Windows system to run IDL you should install IDL but don't run or install the license manager. Instead after installing IDL configuration an LM_LICENSE_FILE environmental variable to equal To set or change the LM_LICENSE_FILE environmental variable:

  • Open the 'Control Panel'
  • Select 'System' panel
  • Select 'Advanced' tab
  • Select 'Environmental Variables' button
  • Create a new 'System Variable' (Botton Window). LM_LICENSE_FILE
  • Set LM_LICENSE_FILE equal to
atmos/software/idl.1360883742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)