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Identity, Policy, and Audit (IPA) system

Initial Shell Setup

To configure your setup for IPA, such as default shell (bash instead of sh), go to The webpage is only accessible from the UND network (either from UND's hardwired network or from the UND VPN). For some reason, they don’t have a certificate on this server, so you have to accept not using a valid certificate on browser.

Log in with your UND credentials and it will bring you to your user page. In the right column, about eight lines down is your “Login shell.” Just change this to /bin/bash to get the Bash shell instead of Sh shell by default. Caching the setting may be an issue so it may take time, a reboot, or administrator to change.

Initial Home Directory for New Linux Lab Users

Log into There is a script that checks for a home directory at login, and will quickly create one by contacting the NFS server if one is not found. Run the rsync command given in the prompt to transfer the data on your home directory to trogdor:

rsync -avz -e ssh <username> .

where username is your old username to access the servers (e.g. ngapp).

atmos/citation/soft/ipa.1568345311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)