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Using SODA

To easily use SODA while in the T28_Data directory while on the aircraft server, there are a couple of programs you'll have to download into your home directory (/home/yourname).

  • ADPAA (Airborne Data Processing and Analysis)
  • SODA (System for OAP Data Analysis)

To get these packages,

  1. Go to this link to download CoPAS,
    1. CoPAS contains ADPAA and SODA (it's how I (James) got ADPAA and SODA)
      1. It also contains instructions in the readme on how to install everything
      2. I'm not sure how to download ADPAA without using CoPAS to do it
  2. Link to ADPAA
  3. Link to SODA
atmos/citation/research/using_soda.1714421650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/29 20:14 by james.klinman