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AgI Flare Testing


The purpose of this research is be able to safely test flares in the lab and determine their effectiveness. Ultimately, tests will be conducted at Michigan Technological University in their Pi Cloud Chamber.


The first step was to design and create the apparatus for the testing system. Below is the diagram of the lab setup for the testing. We used two blowers (Worx WG520) to simulate the speed of an aircraft.

Initial Tests

Initial tests were conducted in the lab. The results showed the blower was spewing particles during the test. The particle size and count from the blowers are shown below. A filter box was decided to be put in place but greatly reduced the speed of airflow. Also, the speed of the blowers needed to be higher as there was not enough air flow to keep the soot from contaminating and infiltrating the sampling instruments and they all needed to be taken apart and cleaned. To clean the instruments directions are located either on this wiki page or on the nas drive under Manuals.

Solution to blower particle problem:

atmos/citation/research/flare_testing.1496774878.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)