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POLCAST4 Aircraft Data Processing

M300 Data System

  • After each flight the *.sea M300 data file (i.e. 20120707_01.sea) is copied to a USB drive from the aircraft's M300 data system.
  • The getstart_info script is use to get the correct file ID for the *.sea file.
  • The file ID is used to create the necessary directory in /nas/ral/NorthDakota/Summer2012/Aircraft/Cessna340_N37356/FlightData.
  • The *.sea file is copied from the USB drive to the NAS drive into the correct directory and with the correct file name (i.e. cp 20120707_01.sea /nas/ral/NorthDakota/Summer2012/Aircraft/Cessna340_N37356/FlightData/20120702_191745/PostProcessing/12_07_02_19_17_45.sea).
  • From within the Flight Id directory (i.e. /nas/ral/NorthDakota/Summer2012/Aircraft/Cessna340_N98585/FlightData/20120702_191745), run the process_all_polcast4 script.

NOTE: if there are more than one file for a single flight (from computer error, power failure, etc.), then there is the need to create a further subdirectory with the _1, then _2, etc. to account for the multiple files being for the same flight. This does not apply in the event of multiple flights.

  • Use Cplot to view the data files and apply any necessary edits.
atmos/citation/field/northdakota2012/documentationaircraft2012processing.1343408460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)