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Clifford Hall 601 Online Lab Book

Latest information is given at the top. Times and dates are UTC.

2018/12/03 22:15:00 - David Delene: Reset the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer software and had to cycle power on Anemometer.

2018/11/13 22:15:00 - David Delene: Reconnected the cable to the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer and wire-tie cable down.

2018/03/13 18:15:00 - David Delene: Reset the Gill WindSonic Sonic Anemometer software and had to cycle power on Anemometer.

atmos/ch601/onlinech601labbook.1543875633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 17:25 (external edit)