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Display meteorological data. Bufkit can be downloaded from


After installing Bufkik , the 'getbuf' utility has to be configured to get data for the area of interest (Grand Forks, GFK). A good place to get data from is Penn State and Bufkit Warehouse. Just select the model you are interested in and then selection the location. Copy the ftp site location (from browser location) to within the BufGet window, then select the 'Get Profiles' button. Go back to Bufkit main window and view the data. Make sure you have the correct model selected.

For example, NAM data is from You need to add this the list in BufGet.

Initial Setup

Open Bufget and navigate to an open profile list in the Load Profile List section (letter D is usually open). Copy and paste what's below directly into the window and click the chosen letter in the Save Profile List section to save this setup for future use.

Then click Get Profiles to load the profiles and then Bufkit to open Bufkit to visualize the data.

Current models for KGFK: NAM 00Z and 12Z, GFS 00Z and 12Z, RAP all times available, and SREF all times available