Table of Contents

Aerospace Field Catalog

Hierarchical Structure

The Aerospace Field Catalog is designed designed to support field project conducting observations using research aircraft. The Field Catalog structure is hierarchical with Project, Missions, and Flights.

Usage Summary

API Summary

Tested the APIs directly using Postman (curl -o- “” | sh), but whatever utility you use that is capable of uploading binary data is probably a little different in its approach. The general flow for uploading a file with the API is as follows:

* POST to one of the following, depending on what the file is:

When testing with Postman it gave me the following code snippet for a test upload using cURL if this helps:

curl –location '' \

  1. -header 'X-API-Key: <API_KEY>' \
  2. -form '=@“<FULL_FILE_PATH>”' \
  3. -form 'fileName=“<FILE_NAME>”'

Overview Aerospace Field Catalog