Customize Terminal To Speed Up Your Work

The two tricks here works everytime a new terminal opens.

Customize Terminal Size

Go to System → Preferences → More Preferences → Preferred Applications

In the opened window, go to “System” tab, which should show “Terminal Emulator”. In the drag down menu, choose “custom”, and add “–geometry” in the “Command” line, for example: gnome-terminal –geometry 86×46

Add a keyboard shortcut to open a new terminal

Go to System → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts

Under Desktop → Run a terminal, double click the Shortcut, and enter a shortcut you want. For example, the “Windows” key on your PC keyboard.

Customize Your Workspace

Increase your Workspace (i.e. virtual desktop)

Right click on any of your Workspace (default location on the lower right of your screen), choose “Preferences”. You can increase the number of Workspace and have then show in more than 1 rows.

Assign keyboard shortcut to switch between workspace

This allows you to quickly switch between Workspaces, like you have several more monitors.

Go to System → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts

Hopefully these tricks help you work faster and easier!