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StarDot NetCam

Description: NetCam-5407 Software version 1.1.44n

Configuration: The Netcam is on network address Images are saved to (/var/www/html/glacialridge.atmos/images/webcam/netcam.jpg) every 5 minutes

The manual for the camera and StarDot Tools software in PDF format can be found by clicking on the link below:

NetCam Manual


January 21, 2010


The NetCam is not generating images or responding to any attempts to access the camera. David Keith noticed the green indicator light was not lit on the back of the camera. He tested the Ethernet cable by plugging it into the laptop and we had internet connection. We brought the camera back to UND where Jen is going to contact StarDot Technologies regarding the camera issue.


Not 100% sure but it is believed the cause of our problem is the power supply for the camera. A 9V power supply was used (camera has a range of 8-15V power supply) to test the camera and when plugged in the green indicator light came on. An email (March 9, 2010) was sent to Anthony Watts of StarDot Technologies indicating the findings.

April 30, 2008


The NetCam had the wrong date on the image. We also had problems login in using the Web interface, however the program let us reconfigure the camera.


Believe this was a leap year issue.


Ran the reconfigure routine from the computer.

November 9, 2007


The NetCam images was not being updated on the web page.


Could not talk to the camera using the network. No power to the camera.


The power cable inside the trail was disconnected and reconnected.