Table of Contents

Temperature Control Box for Pressure Transducers

Writing Diagram


Temperature controller manual for CAL 3300 can be found at the following link:

Design Suggestions

Size of the box - 14 inch width, 12 inch depth, 6 inch height. 1 inch insulation inside of box.

We should use proportional or integral Action Control and not simple on off control. This eliminates a temperature cycle which on get from on/off control.

You can buy heating elements from

Looks like you can buy small heater and controller from Direct Industry

Query Temperature through Laptop

Need a serial cable with a null modem attached

Use RS232 HexCom Tool program to communicate with the temperature controller

  1. When program is open, click on serial cable button
  2. In the new window, make sure the settings are:
    • Port: Com 2
    • Baud: 9600
    • Parity: None
    • Bits: 8
    • : 1
    • Flow Control: None
  3. Click “Open” at the bottom of the window (Opens the Port)
  4. Put in the hex query string (0103001c000145cc), hit enter
  5. String will be returned in the lower window
  6. The 4th and 5th segments of returned string is the temp in hex (ex: 00 c9)
  7. Convert the 5th segment from hex to numerical number by multiplying the first digit by 16 and adding on the second digit (ex: c=12, 12*16=192, 192+9=201)
  8. Divide the numerical number by ten to get the temperature in Celsius (ex: 201/10=20.1)