* The three heaters inside the trailer were on, but were working at very low temperature settings. We boosted the heaters all the way up, but doing this most likely caused the power-rail to fail on the east side of the trailer. Although we check the fuses in the back room, haven't seen any of the breakers altered. Right now, that power-rail does not function. The power on the heaters have been distributed from the west side of the container, and to eliminate the overload in the system the two heaters that are close to the computers, and the one that is next to the door were plugged in separate power-extension cords. * The air-conditioner was isolated to maintain the cabin temperature. * The problem of getting image from the webcam was resolved by simply unplugging and plugging the power plug, and ethernet cables. My understanding is that the firmware on the camera should have locked at some point, and re-plugging of the power must have restarted the camera. //The field site was visited by Daniel R. Adriaansen and Gökhan SEVER on December 18th, 2008.//