===== Satellite Retrievials ===== ==== Area of Interest ==== The effective radius retrieved from the satellite is a mean over an area that extends to the north and south of Grand Forks 100 km and 100 km to the west. Giving a range of latitude from about 47 degrees and 1 minute(47.016667) to 48 degrees and 50 minutes(48.833333). The range of longitudes is 97 degrees and 3 minutes (97.05) to 98 degrees and 22 minutes (98.366667). ==== MODIS Atmosphere Team Global Browse Imagery ==== Has the key aerosol and cloud products for all recently reprocessed MODIS Aqua Collection 6 atmosphere team products. Terra Collection 6 reprocessing hasn’t started yet but should be getting close. Note that you can rotate the global projection and zoom in up to a 5 km sample resolution. [[http://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/index.html]] Interesting Products are: Cloud Effective Radius Cloud Top Temperature Aerosol Optical Depth Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Depth ==== NASA WorldView ==== The site includes true and false color MODIS imagery along with MODIS Dark Target aerosol (Rob’s product) and cloud-top temperature retrievals. Soon it will be populated with all of the core MODIS Collection 6 atmosphere products, including Deep Blue aerosol (Andy) and the cloud phase, optical thickness, effective radius, and water path datasets Kerry, Tom, and I work on. [[https://earthdata.nasa.gov/labs/worldview/]]