===== TCP/IP Settings ===== On QNX 4.25 before attempting to use any internet required tool network drivers must be initiated properly and TCP/IP settings have to be configured. Following descriptions briefly explain these steps. * /etc/config/sysinit file must have the following lines in order to the system initiates necessary network drivers during the boot up. Here Net.bcm57xx is the driver that supports Broadcom 570x Gigabit Integrated Controller. You have to make sure that you are using the right driver for your card. You can refer to this page for the list of supported devices: [[http://www.qnx.com/developers/hardware_support/qnx4/qnx4hardware.html?category=Network|QNX4 Supported Network Drivers]] Net & Net.bcm57xx & /etc/netstart You can check the status of your network device by typing netinfo or netmap commands. Any of these commands should give you an indication whether the drivers up or not. * /etc/netstart file has to have the given lines so that we can use a dynamical IP: /usr/ucb/Tcpip qnx4 & /usr/ucb/dhcp.client & /usr/ucb/if_up en1 Tcpip command can be called with any desired host name. dhcp.client is the utility that connects to the dhcp server and acquire an IP address, finally with if_up en1 command we are ready to test our internet connectivity. * Alternatively, for static IP configuration instead of dhcp.client and if_up lines the following lines should be added to the /etc/netstart file: /usr/ucb/ifconfig en1 IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_LOCAL_MACHINE netmask NETMASK_ADDRESS up /usr/ucb/route add default GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS /etc/resolv.conf file can be modified to utilize nameservers. This could be achieved just by adding nameserver IP lines into the file. Upon successful configuration ping www.google.com should show the presence of connection. Now we are ready to navigate the virtual worlds with our QNX real-time OS.